Monday, March 31, 2014

Lebanese Meze - David and Shannon - LTCC Small Group

We are hoping to host David and Shannon on Tuesday night. When I asked them about their food allergies, likes and dislikes, they said avoid sushi. And then I learned how adventurous they are when it comes to cuisine. I have been feeling an urge to enjoy Middle Eastern Cuisine. Lately, I have been thinking about Lebanese cuisine and I think a meze, the tappas of the Middle East would be fun.


Pomegranete lime juice, served in small cups. Water with lemon in glasses, ask if they want ice.

Soup section of meal

Baked GF multi-grain bread with yogurt/cucumber/masala, (Raisa variant). Place on large plates with apricot and tomato garnish .

Beef orange soup served in small bowls on top of large plates. Remove bowls when complete.

Spicy potato leek soup served in small bowls on top of large plates. Remove bowls when complete.


Mini-shish kabob on a tooth pick with a base of red pepper, a ground chicken shawarma ball, and a green onion cap, 2 per person offered. Also, Hummus with fire roasted red pepper and green onion. Served on large plate.

Salted turkey strip with fig paste, served on the large plate, 2 per person offered.

Halibut, (I do not have Tilapia handy), with feta cheese and fennel leaves. served on small plate. Remove large plates, bring new small plates.

Fig, Date, Pistachio filled brownies.

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