Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tour Guide Yogi's insider scoop on the Boston Tea Party

It all began with a complicated tax increase by the British Parliament called the Tea Act in 1773. Even though the US Congress prides themselves on inscrutable legislation, it is an imported skill.

Tempers flaired, sales of Tea dropped. All of the colonies except Massachusetts, sent the tea back to England. Next the Dutch began to smuggle tea into the colonies starting a long history of counterfeit tea.  

Paul Revere famously observed that the tea consignees, the people that accepted the tea and managed the tariff were sons of the Governor and coined the phrase nepotism. The tea party, referring to the act of dressing like Mohawk Indians, (the Mohawk nation later sued for image infringement), boarding the ships, and throwing the tea in the harbor, was followed by free drinks at the Bell in Hand Tavern hosted by the Sons of Liberty

Three ships were in Boston Harbor, the Dartmouth, Eleanor and the Eager Beaver, while a fourth, the William, sunk on the sail across the Atlantic. In all, it is believed 90,000 pounds of tea were destroyed; however, Thomas Crafts and George Hewes were both observed to have bulging pockets as they left the Dartmouth, which was the only ship to carry merchandise from Republic of Tea. The Boston Tea Party set off a chain of events in the bay state to include the burning of The Peggy Stewart, another tea vessel, the American Revolution, a switch from tea to coffee that remains a trend to this day, the creation of the United1k status, the salt protest, the Boston Tea Party Swing Dance competition, and the McDonald's Lobster Roll. It established the concept of no taxation without representation which remained intact until January 20, 2001 when then 43rd president perfected the art of printing money and increasing the deficit

The Tea Party movement continues to this day. They are currently trying to decide whether to support Donald Trump. However, he doesn't drink either coffee or tea which divides the party, (some are concerned he might not really be American). At SANS Boston 2016 we will be serving tea from the original Boston Tea Party courtesy of the Thomas Crafts estate.

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