Sunday, July 5, 2015

Calvary Chapel Nashville

Kathy and I are in Nashville for a family reunion. Most of the family wanted to visit a mega-church called Crossroads, but we didn't want to visit a massive church.

So we went to CCN. I was really surprised when I went to their web site and found out they did not have a domain name. We had a bit of trouble getting there, I think we must have missed a GPS instruction, but we were there before the service started.

It was much smaller than I would have expected, in essence a church plant. Good praise team. Imagine my surprise when Hunter showed up, he drove from Richmond to Nashville the day before and I would have expected him to get some sleep.

Great preaching and it was as if the sermon was tailored for Hunter. He picked up on that as well. I love a good Godincidence.

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