Thursday, May 31, 2018

Pro-Life is not a known side effect of Ambien

( This series starts with: racism, pride,)

Bill Clinton's reelection was a dramatic time for New City Fellowship church with its emphasis on cross-cultural ministry. The hottest hot button was: abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, right to choose. I remember Ms. Murdoch quietly saying, "there are more issues to each campaign than just abortion".

Abortion is one I want to try to get right. As a citizen, we enjoy the right, (and responsibility), to vote. Twenty five years ago it was possible to make the pro-life stance an accurate factor in our vote. Today, if a candidate declares they are pro-life, learning about the funding sources and the voting record is important.

If a candidate's largest donor is the NRA, a little more questioning what pro-life means to them is called for. I support the 2nd Amendment, even more, the Bill of Rights, but if the act of abortion is all that pro-life means, call it anti-abortion for Wade's sake.

We hope our politicians are transparent. A red flag is Super PAC donations, politicians, (conservative, or liberal), that suck from that straw tend to be in it for the money, not a desire to serve.

The hard truth is that we, the evangelical church, have guaranteed abortion will have legal support. We either, (voted in, or did not try hard enough to stop), and incredible cast of, (apparently), criminal legislators who sang the second amendment and pro-life song. And once in power, moved swiftly to enrich the rich, weaken the rule of law, and damage the reputation of this country with our allies and enemies alike. Mr. Cavuto from Fox News said it fairly and respectfully. But I would like to twist his words, that's our stink. So now, both the unborn AND the born children are going to curse our generation for such foolishness.

I've come to a place where I believe our responsibility as citizens is to test the sincerity of the candidate's claims. Perhaps this fragment of a Bible story brings back memories of the first time you heard it.

And these wineskins that we filled were new, but see how cracked they are. And our clothes and sandals are worn out by the very long journey."


The next post in this series is debt.

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