Monday, February 9, 2015

Taj Mahal (Kapaa Kauai) and friends

Yesterday, Kathy and I walked to the Marriott Courtyard to see, (Kauai boy), Taj Mahal. The opening act was Ledward Kaapana & Mike Kaawa, (gosh they are good). They later rejoined the stage to play with Taj, though I noticed the sound board had them at a low level.  The legendary Willie K. came up on stage for a few songs. He was brilliant, but did not blend in as much, but they gave him some lead slots and he did his thing on the ukelele.

The event was sold and and more. The Marriott scrambled to deliver some more chairs, but soon there was no place under the tent to put them. No matter by the halfway point in this tree hour concert so many people were dancing there were plenty of empty seats.

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